Focusing on bridging the skills gap in the IT industry and evaluating students’ skills that will enhance their employability, the EMC Academic Alliance (EAA)...
The Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU), through its Commission on Engineering, Computer Science and Technology Education (CECSTE), has partnered with...
Schools will become interactive environments where innovations in technology and curricula will fundamentally transform the role of teachers and reshape the landscape of learning,...
Year-on-year Microsoft welcomes visionary educators to join a global community of educators who are passionate about the use of technology through the Microsoft Innovative...
Far Eastern University’s Institute of Technology (FEU Tech) is working with PLDT ALPHA Enterprise to provide their new 17-storey facility with full WiFi accessibility...
Technology plays a significant role in shaping the future of higher education. Both academic institutions and students benefit from the latest technological innovations as...